Cedarbrae Community Breakfast – Thursday Oct. 11 at 7:07 AM!

That’s right….7:07 AM!  This early start is to encourage those that need to eat and run off to work, to attend our Cedarbrae Community Breakfast!  We began these meals last year and are continuing them again this year.  You don’t need to arrive at 7:07AM in order to be fed.  Breakfast is served between 7:07AM […]

Courtyard Cleanup!

This Saturday, Oct. 13, Mr. Tiwari is leading a team from LOWES and Cedarbrae Volunteers in a courtyard cleanup.  This is in preparation for the courtyrad Re-Build!  See the attached flyer for details. Cedarbrae volunteer flyer

kidsLINK comes to Cedarbrae P.S.

It is with great excitement that we share with you that our school has partnered with kidsLINK, a not-for-profit organization that provides a broad range of programs and services to assist communities who serve children, youth and families to reach their full potential.  kidsLINK’s Early Identification/Early Intervention (EIEI) Program will be working with our staff, […]

Terry Fox Walk/Run/Bike Event on Wed. Sept 26

On Sept 26, our students are participating in our annual Terry Fox event.  Our goal is to raise $500 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Our plans for the event include: Kindergarten classes – a walk aorund the school perimeter (by the forest!) Grades 1 – 4 will take a bus to Laurel Creek, then two […]

Library Hours for 2012-2013

Click on the image to see a larger version, or view it in the “About Us” section of this website.

Opening Day Assembly

Welcome-Cedarbrae-2012-13 Click the link to view our opening day assembly.  It was fantastic to see familiar faces and some new faces. We’re looking forward to a great year!

Get Set Learn!

Get Set Learn – Get Your Family Ready for Kindergarten  Are you a parent on Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program with pre-school aged children?  Our fun free program includes learning together with your child and parent-only time.  Snacks, bus tickets and childcare provided. Gift cards will be given to families finishing program. […]

Meet The Teacher – Wednesday Sept. 12 at 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Our annual Meet The Teacher Night is this Wednesday, Sept. 12 beginning at 6:30 and ending at 7:30 pm.  We encourage ALL parents and guardians to come and visit your child’s classroom and teacher.  It’s important for you to know where your child spends their day! If you have any questions or concerns about the […]

School Council – Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012

Our first School Council meeting for the 2012-2013 year is on Tuesday September 11, 2012.  We’ll meet at 7 PM in the Library. We’ll discuss items such as: staffing, Opening Day Assemblies, School Routines and Expectation, Preliminary EQAO results, and Fundraising.  We’d love to see new parents at our first meeting. Come on out and […]

It’s the most Wonderful Time of the Year!

While corporations like to use this line to help sell “Back to School” items, we read this very differently… We truely love this time of year – seeing former students return to school, and welcoming new students and families to our Cedarbrae Community. If you are new to the Cedarbrae neighbourhood, please register your children […]

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