New to the area??

Welcome to those families new to the Cedarbrae neighbourhood!  Please come into the school beginning August 27th (8:30 – 3:00 PM) to register your child/children.  Bring proof of address, and Birth Certificates with you. We look forward to having you as part of our school community! Follow us on Twitter @CedarbraePS, and/or Subscribe to our […]

T-Shirt Donation

Thank you to TireCraft of Stratford, ON for the donation of white T-Shirts.  We’ll use them for our Me to We student group, and/or Better Beginnings groups.  Look for some “tie-dye” designs for sure!

Special Hot Lunch Day – May 4th

On May 4th (Music Monday, and “May the fourth be with you”), we are having a special HOT LUNCH day.  Students can order a meal from Swiss Chalet!  Orders are completed online and are then delivered to the school in time for Nutrition Break on May 4th! FEATURE LUNCH DAY Monday May 4th – SWISS […]

Movie & Karaoke Night …Thurs Feb 26 6:30

Wall Climbing Returns to Cedarbrae!

Back by popular demand….. the 12 foot wall to climb!  Guelph Grotto brings their portable wall to Cedarbrae for Feb 17, 18, and 19th.  Students will enjoy at least two sessions on the wall.  Parent volunteers are needed!!!!  This helps to ensure that students have lots of opportunity to climb!   Permission forms go home […]

Running & Reading

The Tuesday Running & Reading program begins NEXT week – Jan 13th.     Students will not be staying after school on Tuesday Jan 6.              

Community Breakfast and Food Bank Fundraiser

Cold Weather!

Now that our first burst of winter weather is here there are some people wondering what criteria is used to determine when students go out for outdoor play or break. It is an expectation of the Waterloo Region District School Board that principals be sensitive to the safety and well-being of students during periods of […]

Fancy Dress Day & Everett Smith

It was great having Everett Smith here at Cedarbrae today during our “Fancy Dress” day.  His message of never giving up and encouraging those who are pursuing their dream was a great message for many students! Check out our posts on Twitter @CedarbraePS

School Council – Next meeting

Please join us on Oct. 20 at 6:15 AM in the Library.  Come out and be a part of the school!

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