Psychology in the WRDSB

At the WRDSB, Psychology staff work with students, staff and parents to support learning and development, as well as student well-being and mental health. Each school in our district has a Psychological Services consultant who provides assessments, consultation and intervention support. WRDSB Psychology staff play an integral role in providing a deeper understanding of a student and then work in collaboration with parents, caregivers and education staff to develop strategies and recommendations to support the student.

Most importantly, they help students better understand their own strengths and how to use those strengths to help them feel a greater sense of connection, belonging and success at school. This also empowers students to become self-advocates for their learning, their well-being and their physical and mental health.

Supports from WRDSB Psychology Staff

For parents or caregivers that are looking to get involved, or looking to receive answers to questions they may have, our psychology staff are here to help. Lunch and Learn sessions, scheduled over the lunch hour on Wednesdays, are open to any WRDSB parents, caregivers and families. Those who attend will learn useful tips and information to assist them in supporting their child.

View our February Lunch and Learn Sessions.

Celebrating Psychology Month

To help us mark Psychology Month, we’re inviting you to join us in thanking and celebrating the WRDSB Psychology Staff for all they do every day to improve and support the lives of WRDSB students and families. This is as easy as posting on Twitter or Instagram – be sure to include #PsychologyMonth and #PsychologyMakesADifference when you post and visit for more info.

Categories: School News