April 6, 2020

Dear students and families,

We hope you are safe and healthy. We are grateful to Nutrition for Learning, Food4Kids and Better Beginnings who continue to be good neighbours to us.

This past week, our teachers attempted to reach all of our families. We know that we were unable to reach everyone despite multiple attempts. Our staff were so happy to get to chat with many of our students. Thank you for taking our call and for taking time to answer our survey questions. This information helps determine who is eligible to borrow our Chromebooks – you will be contacted directly with this information. Because of the direction of Public Health, we cannot have more than 5 people at school at once so it will be by appointment. Devices will be shared by siblings and require access to the Internet.

Our teachers have been busy planning distance learning materials for your children. This coming week, teachers are starting their online class community, developing rules and norms, and establishing on-line safety expectations. They will reach out to students through their school email. Last week, Mrs. Snyder sent a message on School Day to our community about how to find your child’s password. Please email your child’s teacher or Mrs. Snyder at the school if you need help with this: crystal_snyder@wrdsb.ca

The direction of our school board and the Ministry of Education is that distance learning is not meant to be all day. We don’t want our students on screens that much. It is meant to be approximately 5 hours a week implemented fully on April 14th. The focus will be on mathematics and literacy and may include tasks that are not on line. Teachers will provide links to other learning tools such as the virtual library to help your family. Depending on your access, you should still be able to see the learning platform from your phone and get ideas for your students.

Most importantly, encourage your kids to read and don’t let them be on screens too long. Helping around the house, reading, playing games, doing puzzles, and creative activities like Lego, drawing, writing, and baking are all wonderful learning activities. This is an important time to focus on your family and keep everyone healthy.

Our staff has put together this photo collage for your children. Please show it to them and let them know how much we care about them and that we miss learning with them face to face.

We hope you are healthy and safe.

Ms. Weber and Mrs. Fay
Principal and Vice Principal

Categories: School News